Pre-K - Plastic pocket folder Lunchbox for child’s snack 1 set of washable markers 1 backpack (STANDARD SIZE-NO WHEELS) 3 glue sticks (Elmer’s disappearing purple preferred) 2 packages anti-bacterial wipes 1 extra set of clothes 1 package of baby wipes 1 box ziploc gallon size bags 1 box ziploc sandwich bags
K - 3 - sturdy plastic pocket folders 5 glue sticks – to be shared with class 1 set of headphones (no earbuds) for computer in a bag with student name on it 1 backpack standard size (NO WHEELS – big enough to contain all personal items-lunch box, folder, and winter coat) 1 small plastic supply box (approx. 5X8) 2 boxes of 24 crayons (Crayola) 2 spiral bound 1 subject notebooks 1 pair of blunt nose scissors (recommended Fiskars) 1 box of Ziploc gallon size freezer bags 1 box of Ziploc sandwich size plastic bags 1 box of Expo dry erase thin markers 2 boxes soft tissues 2 containers of Clorox/Lysol wipes 2 boxes of baby wipes
Grade 1 - 1 pocket folder 1 plastic pencil box (8”X 4.5”) 1 package of glue sticks 1 pair child’s scissors 1 box of crayons 24 count 1 backpack (NO WHEELS – big enough to contain all personal items-lunch box, folder, and winter coat) 1 Headphones for computer - no ear buds – returned at end of year 1 package #2 pencils 1 Box of baby wipes 1 box Lysol/Clorox wipes 1 box tissue
Grade 2 - 12 sharpened pencils 2 boxes of disinfectant wipes 3 Expo markers for whiteboards (thin) 2 boxes of 24 count crayons 1 backpack – standard size (NO WHEELS – big enough to contain all personal items-lunch box, folder, and winter coat) 1 box of Ziploc gallon bags OR sandwich bags 1 folder with pockets (any design) 1 box of tissues 1 Headphones or earbuds (please label with name) 1 soft zippered pencil pouch to hold pencils, crayons, scissors Wireless mouse
Grade 3 - #2 pencils Glue sticks 1 home/school folder Dry erase markers and eraser Scissors Crayons (box of 8) and colored pencils (box of 8) 1 backpack – standard size (NO WHEELS – big enough to contain all personal items-lunch box, folder, and winter coat) 2 packages of Clorox wipes headphones 2 boxes of Kleenex 1 pencil case Wireless mouse Individual pencil sharpener
Art - 1 box baby wipes
STEAM/Library - Clorox wipes Tissues