MPS K-12 Art Show 2024 at Oceanpoint



2024 Aquidneck Island
High School Art Show

in Memory of Rosemary Day

February 9 to 16, 2024

Link to view: DeBlois Gallery February2024

NAM I am a well being

Youth Art Month March 2023 Newport Art Museum School

for Creative Studies at The Coleman Center

26 Liberty St, Newport, RI 02840

Exhibition Viewing Hours Tuesday-Friday 10:00AM - 3:00 PM

NAM YAM 2023


 Students will explore the subject of Art using the Elements and Principles of Design. We will be using a variety of art-related media such as clay, paint, watercolor, charcoal, graphic design, etc. Concepts will be presented at varying degrees and age appropriateness based on the National Core Art Standards. Studio time will take on a cause-and-effect approach, where mistakes and accidents, as well as intended skill-building will lead to advancements in learning. The growth will be in artistic aptitude, an increased understanding of cultural, and historical contexts, as well as S.E.L. awareness. 

 The National Art and Music Associations state: “The educational success of our children depends on creating a society that is both literate and imaginative, both competent, and creative.” These associations further state: “Without the arts to help shape student’s perceptions and imaginations, our children stand every chance of growing into adulthood as culturally disabled.” Let us not let this happen. We depend upon your support, and thank you in advance for all your help in making the “Arts” come alive for all students in Middletown.