each of the schools across Middletown, there are
students doing excellent, noteworthy things. As
part of a feature from the town, a different
student will be spotlighted for their efforts to
make Middletown a special place to live, work and
Name: Knox Chapman
School: Aquidneck School
Grade: Second
Parent(s)/Guardian(s): Jerome & Stacey
Accomplishment(s): “Knox is a role model both
socially and academically,” Second Grade Teacher
Melissa Bolton said.
Quotable: “Include everybody!”
Dream Job: To become a famous soccer player
Favorite Meal: Honey and barbecue style
chicken wings
Go To Snack: Doritos
Person I Look Up To: “My sister Paisley. I want
to be a bucket filler like her.”
Person I’d Like To Meet: “Lionel Messi, the
famous soccer player. He wins tons of trophies
and awards and is a great soccer player.”
Top Show Or Movie: The Avengers movie series, particularly “Avengers: Infinity War”
Best Local Hangout: “Second Beach. It doesn't have that much seaweed there. I like to go
underwater and play in the hot sand.”
Music With The Most: “Dance Monkey because I like the beat.”
Recommended Reading: Chapter books and the Dog Man series
Best Subject In School: “Math because I like to learn new math problems and
multiplication and I think it is FUN!”
Teacher/Staff Member I’d Like To Thank: “Mrs. Bolton because I like how she teaches
us new things every day, and how she does fun things with us.”
Comment From Teacher/Staff Member: “Knox is an absolute pleasure to have in class.
He has such a sweet disposition and comes in each morning to school happy and ready to
learn. He always strives to do his best and exhibits excellent effort no matter what the task
is. In addition, he is kind and helpful to all! He is an all around terrific kid!”
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