Grade 1 authors in Ms. Mellow’s class publish their first books! What a great book about space!
about 4 years ago, Erica Bulk
1M  published books
Training in Edumentum’s Exact Path happening with staff!
about 4 years ago, Middletown Public Schools
Aquidneck School Virtual Open House Thursday, October 15th from 6-7 pm.
about 4 years ago, Erica Bulk
Open House
First graders hard at work in writer’s workshop at Aquidneck School.
about 4 years ago, Erica Bulk
1M writing
Aquidneck School Kindergarten students practicing their SNAP WORD in their writing.
about 4 years ago, Erica Bulk
KS writing
Stay safe...M’Town School Board show off their MPS face masks! #wearemiddletown
about 4 years ago, Rosemarie Kraeger
MPS face masks
Fishing for good behaviors at Aquidneck School. Principal award going to students that are Being Safe, Responsible, and Respectful!
about 4 years ago, Erica Bulk
Principal Award
Aquidneck School first grader reading non-fiction books!
about 4 years ago, Erica Bulk
1B Reading
October is Pedestrian Safety Month!
about 4 years ago, Erica Bulk
Pedestrian Safety
Aquidneck School second graders writing delicious sentences with great descriptive words!
about 4 years ago, Erica Bulk
Second Grade - Writing in Ms. Dugan’s class.
Thanks to our dedicated Admin Team...Dr. Heath, Mr. Soares , Mrs. Chelf, Mrs. Beaupre, Mrs. Hayes and Mrs. Bulk. Your commitment to our M’Town students, families and staff is outstanding! You are M’Town finest!!!
about 4 years ago, Rosemarie Kraeger
October is National Principals Month
SAVE THE DATES for a chance to MEET THE TEACHERS of MPS. Our OPEN HOUSES are going VIRTUAL! MHS OCT 13 GAUDET OCT 14 FOREST and AQUIDNECK OCT 15 More info to come from your schools!
about 4 years ago, Michelle Fonseca
virtual oh
Health and Safety Tips
about 4 years ago, Rosemarie Kraeger
Health and Safety Tips
Aquidneck School Kindergarten students taking their learning outdoors.
about 4 years ago, Erica Bulk
KP learning outdoors
Aquidneck School 3rd Graders learning about character traits
about 4 years ago, Erica Bulk
3D Learning about Character Traits
Hello Middletown Families, We are loving our new app! Stay updated with access to all things Middletown Public Schools in your pocket! Download for Android: Download for iPhone:
about 4 years ago, Sean Bouzan
MPS RI Phone
Here is the MPS OCTOBER CALENDAR! Our phase in plan has gone well. Our K-5 students will begin FULL IN PERSON next week.
about 4 years ago, Michelle Fonseca
MPS oct calendar
about 4 years ago, Rosemarie Kraeger
As a reminder, the RI testing sites are open to all PK-12 students and staff. Anyone with any COVID symptoms should call to set up a test.
about 4 years ago, Michelle Fonseca
covid testing
Our schedule for this week.
about 4 years ago, Michelle Fonseca
week 3